Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Monday, June 30, 2008

Home Sweet Home!!

I finally had an opportunity to go home this past weekend to visit my family and celebrate my little bro's high school graduation. I'm pretty close with my family but this was the longest I've ever gone without visiting. It amazes me how easy it is to forget how much your family influences your life, who you are, the choices you make.... All the little rituals that bring me comfort are rooted with them. I can't help but feel tremendous gratitude.

"The whole of my being mirrored here
Miraged in the eyes of these few cherished faces
Worshiped despite faults by people I never chose
I am their creation and continue to be
Life what love makes us
It is enough"
C.Driever '07

My family minus my Sister Telle who is in Auz

Me and Lil' sis

Fast Alice and Pops

The amazing Mandini!

Rach and I at the Vanderbilt mansion

The Vanderbilt mansion from the front

Craw fish Boil.... That's right little suckers... I hope you like the Big jacuzzi...

Rach looking very maternal with Aslan

Fast Alice with her face buried in pussy...
Cat people... cat!!

Aslan licking Jake... Becca Licking Aslan...
hmmmm... we are a strange bunch.
Fast Alice

Friday, June 27, 2008

Ladies Night!

Once upon a time I had a night off along with all my amazing lady friends and we went out on the town. Fortunately, the camera missed most of the debauchery as it was charging half the night. However, these photos are evidence that this night did indeed take place and sometime in the far... far.. distant future it may be repeated....

Fast Alice and her Ladies

Nay and I

Oooooo.... Can you find Lady C???
(Hint.. she is hiding with a handlebar mustache.)

Ahhhh... There she is!!!

I'm so glad I look relatively sober in these photos....

Uhh... Wait.. Spoke too soon.

Obviously this photo was taken as someone interrupted our conversation about world domination...

Miss You!


Fast Alice

Thursday, June 26, 2008

At Long Last!!! Episode VII

Finally Episode 7!! If you notice this episode is considerably longer than our first 6. Hopefully, it will make up for our temporary absence! A special Fast Alice shout to Pete and Sainttigerlily.... We couldn't let you go back to the UK without making some fun... Love you!


Fast Alice

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Alright it's been like 100 years since I've posted..... forgive me. The move was a little more taxing than I thought. Not to mention the filming and modeling and working I had to do. But I'm pleased to say my Ikea furniture is finally assembled (well.... most of it.. ugh) and I am mostly unpacked. I now reside in what Lady C lovingly refers to as the fortress, in regards to my new loft bed. I'll update this post later with some pre and post move pix. Also..... Lady C and Fast Alice are about to make there much awaited reappearance so get ready for fun!!

Fast Alice