Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Monday, April 28, 2008

New Stuff is on the Way!!!!!

Alright my Lovelies.. I know you are probably getting antsy because I haven't posted in a hot minute.... However, I have lots of pix and an upcoming episode of Fast Alice and Lady C.... So stay tuned!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Fast Alice and Lady C. Episode IV....Dun, Dun, Dun...

Episode IV..... Can you believe it!!! Lady C. and I run rampant on topics like.... going commando, sex on the first date, fashions in pubic hair, and hangover cures..... Time to comment peeps and give us some valid topics before we scar you for life......

And an apology to Lady C. ... I'm not quite sure why but my name came out like 20X bigger than yours on the credits... it would be too much for me to reformat everything etc... so I'll fix it next time..... But please note Mssss... Hardwood gets equal billing in my book.. I love her.. Muah*, Muah***


Fast Alice

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Sausage Party!!

OK... So originally this was a "GARDEN" party. Where we get all our friends together and plant next years roof garden. However, one of the traditions of any "Decker" we throw is that people come to the house with an offering of alcohol or food to feed the masses.... This time not only was the party pretty much all ladies.. they all brought... of all things... sausage. Thus causing us to have to re title the party all together.

Our lovely garden. We have four types of tomatoes, cucumbers, egg plants, morning glories, moon flowers, sweet peas, basil, parsley, marigolds, cilantro, sage, lavender, and rosemary. My favorite part are the climbing flowers that cover this lattice wall... Sigh.. I can't wait for summer!!

Juno blessing the plants before potting...

Nay played the important role as audience member to our shenanigans...

Fast Alice looking really rural in her straw hat... Well, I've got farmer's blood what can I say..

Relaxing with an Apple Crisp after the planting is done..

Juno looking like the Goddess she is...

The only sausage allowed between my legs from now on.... Sorry boys, but it has Cheddar inside... obviously superior....

Delighting in the discovery of masses of tampons stored in her purse a tampon throwing fight ensued...

Nay's solution to a runny nose... priceless...

Lovely ladies!
This is by far my most favorite time of year, and these parties only get bigger and better as the summer progresses... If you're lucky maybe you will get an invite....
Fast Alice

Friday, April 18, 2008

Episode III of Fast Alice and Lady C. AT LAST!!

Well folks it's finially here long awaited Episode III of the Fast Alice and Lady C. show..... and btw Episode IV is in the can and just around the corner..... so keep an eye out....

Love and Kisses....

Fast Alice Glass

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

The Birthright Project!!

For some time now I have been talking with my cousins and extended family about doing a documentary on my two great aunts. They are both in their 80's and are the oldest living members of my family. My Grandmother recently past away and it made me realize that I know absolutely nothing about my family's history. My Aunt Mitzi and Henrietta live on my family farm. A farm that my great grandparents ran and lived on until their deaths, a farm that my two Aunts were born on... These two amazing women are the last link to that history and I'll be damned if I let it slip through my fingers.... They live just outside of Monticello NY and I am planning on shooting this summer. It is a beautiful area and is great place to escape the city. I will be desperately looking for volunteers, most importantly a DV camera operator and a Sound Tech... Shooting would take three or four days at the most. If you are interested please post a comment below... I would love your help!!!
Fast Alice

My Amazing Aunt Mitzi and Angel

This house is over 100 years old...

Lil' Ali in the woods.... This all used to be cleared out long ago..

Mama Sheep, Baby Sheep!

They all lined up for this photo.... Funny. The sheep shearer was coming the next day so they look very fat....

Pretty Chickies...

Billy-Bob... The Goat!

Mom rejected this little guy so now he is a house pet... Well, untill he gets bigger... So cute they walk him on a leash.

Oh, his name is Dark Rye.. Cute!

Stuff from last week! Friends and Fun!

So these pix are all from last week.... I know, don't hate me!!! But I still wanted to share them with you so here goes....

My amazing and everfab friend Jenny.... We hadn't seen eachother since last summer so it was a grand reunion!!

Sagatarian Danger....

Ok... this is how bored Miss Chriss and I were at work on Saturday..... What better time for a photoshoot!!!

Hot Mama!!!

As if you needed another of just me... was trying out a cool Dita Von Teese hairdo... a moderate success I think.. I really need a haircut to make it work.

Last Sunday Funday!!! Brunch at Essex.. wasn't my best day ever but it was worth it to be with my girlz!!

I will try to keep up this week... Plus another webisode of Lady C. and I is coming... dun, dun, dun.....!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fear Not!!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello... and tell all my avid viewers not to fear Lady C and I will be back with another webisode later this week. I would also like to invite anyone who would like to offer a topic for us to discuss to do so. It is easy and painless to do, just go to the bottom of this post and click on "comment" and follow the nifty instructions.. (Pretty, Pretty, PLLLLLEASEEEEE, we would love some ideas!!)

Other interesting facts in the life of Fast Alice:
-A stranger made me cry at brunch on Sunday
-I miss my roomies who are in London eating chicken crips without me...boooooo
-In their absence the cats are conspiring to kill me... they try nightly to break into my bedroom..
-I just ate a huge falafel sandwich and it is two am....
-We officially have a naked man who lives across the way.. and I get to view his bum as I type this...hmmmmmm...

Fast Alice

Saturday, April 5, 2008

I am ever amazed..

I am ever amazed at my mind and emotions.. There are so many times in life when you cling to something, something often you never even wanted in the first place, and make it the center of your life.... I am equally amazed at how things in your life can shift so drastically without any warning, washing away all that came before.

I almost never write poetry that rhymes.. but this is what I woke up with this morning.. swirling in my mind... Just thought I would share....

One night's grace from bondage freed
sentenced time's been served.
I wake up without the chains I wrought
No more a wingless bird.
Tears caked salt upon my cheeks
blown free in wind and sun.
I face today, no fear, no doubt,
my life has just begun.

Always be free...
Fast Alice Glass

Friday, April 4, 2008

Fast Alice and Lady C. at it Again!!!!

So this is attempt number two at the Fast Alice and Hardwood show... I hope you enjoy. We broke it into chapters so our fair viewers can digest all the tidbits of wisdom we have to offer.

So enjoy folks!!! Sorry if the resolution is off... but the files are big...

Love and Kisses...

Fast Alice Glass

Thursday, April 3, 2008

The West Side!! A must see!!!!

The amazing Sainttigerlily again turned me on to something truly wonderful!!! A mutual friend of ours played a part in this online serial called "The West Side." I have to admit I was skeptical that it would be any good..... but it knocked my socks off. It is a black and white western but set in NYC..... Please, Please, Please, check it out. Also,as a side note, Brendan performs in episode three as one of the thugs.... Don't miss out!!!!

Go To:

Fast Alice Glass

Screw ups!!!!

As promised here are the outtakes from your botched introduction.... Enjoy!!! We film again Friday so stay tuned!!!! Hey and this time share some comments people on what you want us to talk about..... because left to our own devices... well, you see what happens!!!

Fast Alice Glass and Lady C. Hardwood....

Alright people, I have some videos to share. The lovely Lady Hardwood and I met this afternoon and recorded the priceless gems below. The experience was very interesting and I learned many things....

1. Filming off the cuff can be very funny.... but very disjointed... Next time we will have a set of topics...

2. I am NOT an editor.. as much as I pride myself on my windows movie maker skillz... I suck..

3. It is almost impossible for me to sit next to Lady C. and not laugh at her.. so most of the videos are Lady C. being hilarious and me laughing with a cool hat on... Oh well.

What I can promise is that they will get better.. and funnier for sure. Honestly, the best stuff was in the outtakes. I'm going to spend some time with those tomorrow and post them later..


Fast Alice

Fast Alice Glass and Lady C. Hardwood Part II

This of course was off the cuff and proves to me again that Lady Hardwood is like a million times funnier than I will ever be..... lol. Another reason why I love her so...

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Grand Ideas!!

So tomorrow I will be meeting with one of my favorite ladies... the wonderful Miss Lani Harwood. Miss Harwood is one of the only reasons I can tolerate my current work aday job... (Well she and a few other extra special employees which keep me from jumping off the roof.)
Our plan is to post a web cast by sometime tomorrow evening or the following day. I suppose it will depend on how the material comes together... and how technology savvy I can be with my video editing programs..... Ideally I would love to post a video of us weekly. If anyone has any great ideas for topics during tomorrows taping... please comment and let me know!!!

Fast Alice