So these pix are all from last week.... I know, don't hate me!!! But I still wanted to share them with you so here goes....

My amazing and everfab friend Jenny.... We hadn't seen eachother since last summer so it was a grand reunion!!

Sagatarian Danger....

Ok... this is how bored Miss Chriss and I were at work on Saturday..... What better time for a photoshoot!!!

Hot Mama!!!

As if you needed another of just me... was trying out a cool Dita Von Teese hairdo... a moderate success I think.. I really need a haircut to make it work.

Last Sunday Funday!!! Brunch at Essex.. wasn't my best day ever but it was worth it to be with my girlz!!

I will try to keep up this week... Plus another webisode of Lady C. and I is coming... dun, dun, dun.....!!
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