Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Fear Not!!

I just wanted to pop in and say hello... and tell all my avid viewers not to fear Lady C and I will be back with another webisode later this week. I would also like to invite anyone who would like to offer a topic for us to discuss to do so. It is easy and painless to do, just go to the bottom of this post and click on "comment" and follow the nifty instructions.. (Pretty, Pretty, PLLLLLEASEEEEE, we would love some ideas!!)

Other interesting facts in the life of Fast Alice:
-A stranger made me cry at brunch on Sunday
-I miss my roomies who are in London eating chicken crips without me...boooooo
-In their absence the cats are conspiring to kill me... they try nightly to break into my bedroom..
-I just ate a huge falafel sandwich and it is two am....
-We officially have a naked man who lives across the way.. and I get to view his bum as I type this...hmmmmmm...

Fast Alice

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