Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Friday, April 5, 2013

Project 52 or as Many as I can Manage

Big D and my fam all chipped in for my Birthday and bought me a fancy-shmansy camera,  something I had been lusting over for the past year.  My Dad is a devout Cannon fan so they got me a Cannon Rebel T3i.  Ever since I have been playing more and more around with photography.  Reading books, taking free classes and scouring the internets for info.  I am proud to admit that I probably know what I'm doing about.....hmmm 9% of the time now.  But I'm enjoying it so much I am actually paying to take a 4 week beginners class over the next few weeks.  I'm also following along with this free online photography forum called Project 52.  And by following I mean doing the assignments and totally chickening out when it comes to posting them to flickr and getting a critique, because obviously I'm five.  I figured I would post them here since hardly anyone is reading and I know you are gentle with the criticism.

Assignment 7: One Red Balloon

These were both done in natural light. I would have submitted the bottom one because the exposure is better with the balloon and his hand in focus.  The few people I showed this to were confused as to what was in the foreground (his feet).  However, they were viewing it on my camera screen.  I really loved that it came out so soft and that there was such a pretty catch-light on the balloon.  Compared to the other images submitted this is painfully simple.  But I did pre-plan and set up the shot and I accomplished pretty close to what I had in mind. In retrospect I wish he had been barefoot.  The toes would have been sweet. 

Assignment 7: Samuel Barber CD Cover

This image is overexposed on purpose with a longer shutter speed on a overcast but bright day. I loved the little weird glare coming from the light and the flickers on the water. I also liked how the trees were stark and very cold looking. The Barber piece this would represent is very dark and moving but also ethereal and hopeful despite being painfully sad.  I thought the image was a nice combo of winter with the promise of spring and thus would work for the music.

Don't worry I'll def take a stab at some food porn photography eventually... lol

On another note Miami was wonderful.  J had a bevy of Grandma's adoring him and he hardly noticed we were gone.  Returning to everyday life has been a little rough after so much R&R. Not to mention J is getting three molars all at once.... good times!!

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