Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Monday, June 1, 2009

Survival mode

Soooo.... I tried to put up a post from my blackberry. Uhhh.. THAT was a failure, Lol. It resulted in a post that was entirely blank. Classy.

As says the title that is currently the mode I'm in. I'm working too much too often and pretty much want to kill myself. As you may have guessed from my last post. My job is the last place on the planet I want to spend any amount of time and I have been stuck there 40+ hours a week. The only thing that has been keeping me from jumping off the rooftop is the fact I now have an exit strategy. I have books coming in the mail to help me study for the American College of Sports Medicine Cpt exam. The minute I get them I'm going to devour them.... just to be doing something active to get myself into a better work environment will feel amazing. I'm so sick of having anxiety before every shift. I also can't wait to resume my life.... see my friends especially and perhaps have an actual weekend off!!

Today was amazingly one of my lighter days schedule wise... after my work study shift at TBG. I helped Big Daddy and the Amoralists set up for their show at PS122. More to come on the performance. While there I was introduced to a couple of YouTube gems I thought I would pass on.

1. The Literal Video of Total Eclipse of the Heart. Hilarity... the lyrics are what is going on in the video. This reminds me fondly of karaoke.. sigh... November

2. Dimitri the Stud. Let me just say that this man is KING of the douchebags and I'm sure he holds court at the Ganz. If I haven't served this man I drink I would be shocked.

Fast Alice

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...


Also - not only have you served that guy but he has hit on me. Seriously.

It is scary how scary guys can be.


(You can almost hear him sitting in his underwear twisting a Barbie's head round and round.