Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Burrrrrrrrrr Blanc...

So winter seems to have finally let up on us and instead of massive amounts of snow it is now drenching us in rain. So much rain in fact that there has been a ton of flooding up here in the country. Not to mention that the ground is so soggy the trees have little to hold on too and are toppling over... good times. Especially when they topple over on.. um... your house!!! Don't worry folks everything is just fine. The tree wasn't one of the huge ones in our yard thank GOD.. just one of the skinny yet extremely tall ones right next to the house and power lines. Big D, using his superhuman strength, managed to get it off the house without hitting the power lines, fence, or himself. I wish I had taken a picture but I was off to work in a hurry and he had it down before I got back. So we have muddled through another trial of home ownership relatively unscathed (we have a bent gutter but hey..)

In honor of the season passing I wanted to celebrate with a farewell to winter meal. I was in the middle of reading "My Life in France," the Julia Child memoir and Beurre Blanc sounded like just the ticket.

Poached Tilapia with Beurre Blanc and Sauteed Green Beans

Click here for the Beurre Blanc recipe. I modified it a little bit. I added capers in addition to the shallots in the recipe. I also only used 1 1/2 sticks of butter. I like very tart butter sauces, Beurre Blanc or Hollandaise, and also prefer to keep my girlish figure so I add just enough butter to satisfy. In terms of keeping the sauce from separating I basically held the sauce pan above the gas heat. Despite being on super-Super low if I left the pan on the stove itself I could tell it would be too hot. The Tilapia, I simply poached in simmering water with 1/4 cup vinegar, a few pepper corns, and bay leaves for 7 minutes until cooked through. The beans are sauteed in olive oil with garlic and fresh frozen basil. Overall a very tasty meal.

Fast Alice

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