This was only a teeny tiny portion of my day however. I somehow managed to job hunt applying at three different places. A new age book store, a health food store, and a personal training facility. All three looked awesome and I have an interview Wednesday about the personal training job, which is cool. I also did laundry, made some stock, went to the post office...
A note on the post office. Our post office is like something in a Norman Rockwell painting. It is run by one guy named Charlie who remembers every ones name and address. He is always slightly red faced and smiling with all those little boxy thingies behind him. The first time I went in to inquire as to why we don't have a mail box (something I will discuss along with a ton of other things you don't know until you live in a house) I almost fell over with amazement and joy. Especially since the last post office I was in was on 42nd and 8th and a postwoman was walking through the place screaming "We ARe Closing, get all your Christmas shit filled out Now because we will NOT wait for you." A more apparent contrast between city and country I have yet to see.
Anywho.. it was a very productive day. Aaaaaaand I blogged. Sweet... check that one off the list and now I only have to make tacos :)
Fast Alice
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