So crazy CRAZY snow out there people. I have to admit things could be worse though. Being snowed in with my Hubby and crazy kitty are pretty awesome. As was our annual trip to Vermont this past weekend. Holy Hell was that just about the best time ever. Nothing compares with the food, friends and skiing we were privledged enough to enjoy. Big D and I look forward to it all year long and it did not disappoint. Some highlights? Skiing on fresh powder, playing with STL's beautiful baby boy, making pasta with The Boss, and playing a kick ass new version of trivial pursuit. What is not to love.
Not the best time ever was our furnace failing to start yesterday evening when we arrived home from work. Thank God we have a fireplace and had just arrived home with some wood. Also, the heating company was pretty great about getting here and fixing the damn thing. Ahhh Platinum service.. how glad I was to have paid for you. It still doesn't seem to be running totally right but they are coming back in February to clean it out. All things you never knew about as a renter. Along with paying for garbage service, water pumps, septic systems, and how insane taxes really are. Not that I am complaining.. AT ALL. To be honest if we had any idea about all this stuff we would have been totally overwhelmed. Being thrown in the deep end and forced to swim is in my opinion sometimes waaaay better than the alternative. I guess for me the terror of dealing with an new and scary situation is better than the anxiety of knowing and feeling the weight of impending responsibility upon you.. but I digress.
In the world of crazy arts and meat crafts things are going well. The Duck Prociutto seems to be well on its way. Technically it was supposed to be done tonight but the lack of heat I fear may have stunted the drying process a tad. Just to be safe I'm going to give them another 24-36 hours. I'm pretty sure they are close to done though from the texture of the meat. I also ordered a deli meat slicer with a gift card from the wedding as well as other meat curing supplies in anticipation of future pancetta. Mmm.... pancetta. Fingers crossed that it is next on the Charcutapalooza list :) I also read about half of the book on hand spinning today. I managed to totally ignore the laundry and dishes despite the snow and being home all day but whose judging.
I start my first new job on Friday. I'm very excited.. a little too excited. I keep wanting to go in and wander around the store and check things out. But I don't want to seem stalkerish before I even start. I also am dyyyying to know what kind of discount we get on stuff there. The other job, maybe next week. We shall see. I just hope they are fun and low stress. I can't tell you what being out of the city has done for my stress level. Sheesh I feel like a different person. I don't know how I tolerated living at such an excellerated pace for so long. Don't get me wrong there are things I love about NYC. But the little knot of anxiety it put in the center stomach 99% of the time was not one of them.
It's pretty hard to be stressed with this little guy on your lap. Or cold for that matter :)

Fast Alice
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