I'm BAAAAAaaaaaack!!!
You know I debated with myself about writing that. I figured I was truly in some way jinxing myself. I know...super classy to have two posts in a row, over a year apart hailing my glorious return. Hopefully, this one will be for reals. Well, it is at least my intention and I feel like I have tons of stuff to talk about!! Yay!
So I'm almost certain at this point I have only 1 reader left. STL.. here's looking at you kid. Aaaaad you already know every detail of my life right now. But lets just overlook this as an exercise in futility and chock it up to blogging practice.
Ok.. for beginners lets start where I left off. The fairy tale goes something like this..
On October 22, 2009 a mere 2 months after my last post Big D, distracted me long enough from my domestic bliss to propose to me. I of course in a moment of lady like glory accepted while using the F word approximately 37 times. Truly a story to tell the grand kids.. AWESOME!
You know I debated with myself about writing that. I figured I was truly in some way jinxing myself. I know...super classy to have two posts in a row, over a year apart hailing my glorious return. Hopefully, this one will be for reals. Well, it is at least my intention and I feel like I have tons of stuff to talk about!! Yay!
So I'm almost certain at this point I have only 1 reader left. STL.. here's looking at you kid. Aaaaad you already know every detail of my life right now. But lets just overlook this as an exercise in futility and chock it up to blogging practice.
Ok.. for beginners lets start where I left off. The fairy tale goes something like this..
On October 22, 2009 a mere 2 months after my last post Big D, distracted me long enough from my domestic bliss to propose to me. I of course in a moment of lady like glory accepted while using the F word approximately 37 times. Truly a story to tell the grand kids.. AWESOME!

Then in great haste we began to plan our wedding. In such haste in fact that along with becoming a personal trainer prob killed the little blogging time I had. We had lots of good times planing with exciting things like our wedding venue cancelling on us two months before the wedding... Awesome!! But it was truly all for the best as the venue we ended up using was just perfect. And on May 30, 2010 we began our journey as married peeps.

We then spent 10 days in Costa Rica which was just about the most amazing thing ever...
I will post our honeymoon video for your enjoyment at a later date.. Don't worry. Nothing expicit.. sheeesh. Although, I don't blame you for thinking so with my history.

And about six months into our married life we were afforded a most amazing opportunity to be home owners. To which we said... um.. Hell Yeah!!!! And we moved up to Westchester into our beautiful new home.
So that pretty much catches you up. We moved in on the 22 of December and have just started to get ourselves acclimated. Which pretty much means that we are occasionally able to stop ourselves from walking around the house blubbering with amazement long enough to make a coherent sentence.
Let me just tell you peeps. I have plans... BIG plans for Fort Fraley. In my imagination I envision a world of green living, planting, harvesting, curing meats, raising chickens, spinning yarn, making stock, entertaining, singing, needle working and much much more. How far along I get on these projects is yet to be seen but I honestly have started doing all of these things. Well at least the first steps to doing these things... and while I'm looking for a new job up here in the burbs I will have time to work on projects. That is provided I am able to stop smoking the new house crack long enough to get anything done...
Let me just tell you peeps. I have plans... BIG plans for Fort Fraley. In my imagination I envision a world of green living, planting, harvesting, curing meats, raising chickens, spinning yarn, making stock, entertaining, singing, needle working and much much more. How far along I get on these projects is yet to be seen but I honestly have started doing all of these things. Well at least the first steps to doing these things... and while I'm looking for a new job up here in the burbs I will have time to work on projects. That is provided I am able to stop smoking the new house crack long enough to get anything done...
I will post again!!!
Fast Alice
Yay! I'm so very happy you are back in my virtual world!
My word verification is "catinted"
OMG!! When I just posted on your blog my verification was CATELY.... So weird.
I wonder if they have some assistant who makes up the words each day and how do I get their job!!
Imagine my surprise when you showed up just above me in the Charcutepalooza blog roll. I'm the Warner The Yummy Mummy mentions in her kick off Charcutepalooza post http://bit.ly/fx3rHf .
Glad to see you around and curing.
Warner!! I can't believe I just missed your comment until now. So nice to hear from you and glad we are all in on the cure together!!
Fast Alice
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