The White Rabbit has lead Alice to the country. Watch her cook, cure, grow, spin, and sing her way through life.
Fast Alice Glass
Monday, April 28, 2008
New Stuff is on the Way!!!!!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fast Alice and Lady C. Episode IV....Dun, Dun, Dun...
Episode IV..... Can you believe it!!! Lady C. and I run rampant on topics like.... going commando, sex on the first date, fashions in pubic hair, and hangover cures..... Time to comment peeps and give us some valid topics before we scar you for life......
And an apology to Lady C. ... I'm not quite sure why but my name came out like 20X bigger than yours on the credits... it would be too much for me to reformat everything etc... so I'll fix it next time..... But please note Mssss... Hardwood gets equal billing in my book.. I love her.. Muah*, Muah***
Fast Alice
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Sausage Party!!
Fast Alice looking really rural in her straw hat... Well, I've got farmer's blood what can I say..
Friday, April 18, 2008
Episode III of Fast Alice and Lady C. AT LAST!!
Well folks it's finially here long awaited Episode III of the Fast Alice and Lady C. show..... and btw Episode IV is in the can and just around the corner..... so keep an eye out....
Love and Kisses....
Fast Alice Glass
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
The Birthright Project!!
Fast Alice
Stuff from last week! Friends and Fun!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Fear Not!!
Other interesting facts in the life of Fast Alice:
-A stranger made me cry at brunch on Sunday
-I miss my roomies who are in London eating chicken crips without me...boooooo
-In their absence the cats are conspiring to kill me... they try nightly to break into my bedroom..
-I just ate a huge falafel sandwich and it is two am....
-We officially have a naked man who lives across the way.. and I get to view his bum as I type this...hmmmmmm...
Fast Alice
Saturday, April 5, 2008
I am ever amazed..
I almost never write poetry that rhymes.. but this is what I woke up with this morning.. swirling in my mind... Just thought I would share....
One night's grace from bondage freed
sentenced time's been served.
I wake up without the chains I wrought
No more a wingless bird.
Tears caked salt upon my cheeks
blown free in wind and sun.
I face today, no fear, no doubt,
my life has just begun.
Always be free...
Fast Alice Glass
Friday, April 4, 2008
Fast Alice and Lady C. at it Again!!!!
So enjoy folks!!! Sorry if the resolution is off... but the files are big...
Love and Kisses...
Fast Alice Glass
Thursday, April 3, 2008
The West Side!! A must see!!!!
Go To:
Fast Alice Glass
Screw ups!!!!
Fast Alice Glass and Lady C. Hardwood....
1. Filming off the cuff can be very funny.... but very disjointed... Next time we will have a set of topics...
2. I am NOT an editor.. as much as I pride myself on my windows movie maker skillz... I suck..
3. It is almost impossible for me to sit next to Lady C. and not laugh at her.. so most of the videos are Lady C. being hilarious and me laughing with a cool hat on... Oh well.
What I can promise is that they will get better.. and funnier for sure. Honestly, the best stuff was in the outtakes. I'm going to spend some time with those tomorrow and post them later..
Fast Alice
Fast Alice Glass and Lady C. Hardwood Part II
This of course was off the cuff and proves to me again that Lady Hardwood is like a million times funnier than I will ever be..... lol. Another reason why I love her so...
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Grand Ideas!!
Our plan is to post a web cast by sometime tomorrow evening or the following day. I suppose it will depend on how the material comes together... and how technology savvy I can be with my video editing programs..... Ideally I would love to post a video of us weekly. If anyone has any great ideas for topics during tomorrows taping... please comment and let me know!!!
Fast Alice