I travel to Las Vegas twice a year to model shoes... and if you know me, you know that typically I have no love for Vegas. I mean, I'm not going to bitch about a paid vacation but I pretty much would rather it be in just about any other place. However, I'm pleased to report that this trip has been unusually fun. Which I attribute primarily to my friend Lolita, and the fact that after 6 trips here I think I have finally found a way to enjoy it.
Carleigh's recipe for fun if you are a Vegas hater:
1/4 work at job or other specified project (ie. memorizing, script reading, writing,) Please substitute to suit your needs.
1/4 Alone time in hotel room hiding from creepy leering men, prostitutes or women that dress or act like prostitutes, and all the blinking jangling bleeping machines, bachelor/bachelorette parties etc.
1/4 Physical activity or Pool time (I chose yoga and the spa, with a smidgen of pool time)
1/4 Night on the town (please note clubbing need not apply, for a healthy option choose private parties, or fancy dinners)
Combine in any order and mix slowly.
Thanks to my recipe for success this is what my trip looked like....

Enjoying the last 40 mins of sunlight after work...
oh, and a pina colada

Bathing beauties..


"Humpty, don't tell anyone I told you this..."

Hanging with Shawn of "Shawn and Shane" shoes.

Lo and Shawn

No really... how do these look on me..

Third Eye Blind in concert at the H.H. Brown party..
Fast Alice
Looks like you had fun my dear. You still couldn't bribe me to go.
Any place my dad likes as much as he likes Vegas pretty much assures me that I would hate it with unholy passion.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who doesn't hold Vegas in high esteem. I'm glad to hear that you're making the most of it though. Also, I'll never look at pretzels the same way again.
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