So as you all know I moved to Brooklyn!!! And now just about a month later I FINALLY finished assembling my furniture and unpacking.....

My whole life in boxes...
Ok.. some more of my life.. in rolling carts, guitar cases and Tupperware.

The beautification center/dressing room.

The office/study.

The music room.

The Fortress... as Lady C. lovingly refers to it..
Now you can all imagine me blogging my little heart out in the office or doing naughty things in the fortress you decide...
Fast Alice
With all due respect darling - looks like you can do anything in that fortress that doesn't include "lady astride" or the use of any height...
Limits your options if I must say.
Well... there's always the floor...
lol... or the ladder which could be interesting.
You are now under "good people" on Pants Optional. You're a very lucky girl, indeed... the ladder? R-Really?
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