The White Rabbit has lead Alice to the country. Watch her cook, cure, grow, spin, and sing her way through life.
Fast Alice Glass
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
I'm Back!!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Better Late Than Never!!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Rockin' in Vegas!!
Carleigh's recipe for fun if you are a Vegas hater:
1/4 work at job or other specified project (ie. memorizing, script reading, writing,) Please substitute to suit your needs.
1/4 Alone time in hotel room hiding from creepy leering men, prostitutes or women that dress or act like prostitutes, and all the blinking jangling bleeping machines, bachelor/bachelorette parties etc.
1/4 Physical activity or Pool time (I chose yoga and the spa, with a smidgen of pool time)
1/4 Night on the town (please note clubbing need not apply, for a healthy option choose private parties, or fancy dinners)
Combine in any order and mix slowly.
Thanks to my recipe for success this is what my trip looked like....
Friday, July 25, 2008
and me... well, obviously I'm the camera whore
Yes this is a pole, and no I'm not in Vegas yet...
Can I say again that these girls and the rest of the staff at my job are the only reason the service industry is bearable... well... if not bearable.. at least its not boring!!
Keep an eye out for posts from Vegas and Fast Alice and Lady C. Episode Nine!!
Fast Alice
Pot Luck in BK!!
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Detox Day 2....
1) Fruits and Veggies taste and look amazing but when juiced can be combined into something that tastes worse than gasoline.... so beware.
2) I will never EVER be able to live without Dairy... I'm sorry I don't care what ANYONE says... if you try to take away my cheese, I will kill you.
3) The only other real benefit I can describe is that my sense of taste seems extremely acute now.. I'm not sure if it is all the produce or having to consume things that taste noxious... either way... When something tastes good now, it tastes REALLY good. I can't stop thinking about how amazing my tea, toast and eggs are going to taste tomorrow. I'm already feeling grateful for them, saying "Thank you God, so much, for making a world with delicious tea and toast."
4) The last two days have provided endless material for the "Fast Alice" show. I've never laughed so hard... hopefully, when we share our thoughts, you will as well.
So if you want two days of hysterics... skip the detox and hang out with us... hahaha. Sorry Dr. Gillian I love you but I love my toast more...
Day 1 Detox Log!!
So on to day two... which begins with tomato, broccoli, garlic juice!!! Seriously, how can something so right for your body feel and taste so wrong....ughghgh. The high point is Lady C. and I are treating ourselves to the spa. I'm going for my first massage ever... well my first non-erotic massage that is.... wink*
Fast Alice
Dialogue around our house today:
Lady C: Cahhhleigh drink the juice..
Fast Alice: I don't want to
Lady C: Cahleigh drink the juice
Fast Alice: Where is yours?
Lady C: I made yours first.. drink the juice Cahleigh
Fast Alice: I'm waiting until you make yours
Lady C: Cahleigh... it's time for your juice.. we have two more to get through before lunch..
Fast Alice: Whaaaaaaaa!!!!
Lady C (tasting the juice)
Lady C: Ugh.. this one is horrid.
Monday, July 14, 2008
BTW.. Aaron and I will be performing in our apartment's version of "West Side Story."
Casting is:
Carleigh: Maria
Aaron: Tony/Anita
Brendan: Bernardo/Chino
Rachel: Riff
Lady C.: Officer Krupky
I mean.. I love veggies but I'm a little intimidated.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Ahhhh yes Episode VIII!!!
You know we love to be in costume!!! Maybe next time we will dress like nuns or 18th century prostitutes.... who knows. Also, please note when Lady C. makes me completely lose control laughing while talking about tennis. (and that the spell checker wasn't working when I posted this before....grrr.. damn you technology!)
Fast Alice