We finally met up with Stew and Lorin for a night out on the town. Telle's favorite restaurant here is a place called the Moroccan Soup Bar, which is banquet style and AMAZING!!!

The most incredible coffee table I've seen yet.... a copper clawfoot tub with a fishtank inside....

Oooooo ...the little gold blobs are goldfish...

I couldn't even begin to tell you what the heck all this was.....But it was all vegetarian and all delicious....

Mmmmm....Turkish Coffee and date biscuits.

Ahhhh... here is something we do in America....Beer and Hold'em

What more pix of us???.....noooooo

Sorry boys I have to take allllllllll of your money....
Card shark...who me? Noooo..

Mine..Mine...Mine.... Telle guarding our stash.... we raped the boys at this game....teehee


Telle and I topped the charts with our number one single......"Without My Panties."

Gravatron and C.J.
We will explain later there are children in the audience.....
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