Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Monday, March 31, 2008

Sunday Funday!!

Started a new tradition this Sunday... henceforth we shall be known as the ladies who Brunch. I've always wanted to do Sunday brunches with girlfriends a la Sex in the City Style... But I have always had to work.... Due to some miracle I seem to be having Sundays off!!! Woot... leaving me free to indulge in company of the female persuasion.... and not that way... you sicko..

Three very full ladies....

Plus one bottle of Patron....

Equals awesome deck party!!!
Aww.. look Schreiber wore this outfit to match the

Nay enjoying the sun....

I don't know what I'm thinking in this photo.. but I guess it would be something like....
Awwww these are the best ladies in the world...

These boots were made for sitting on my ass and drinking margaritas... obviously...

That's right.... Life is good...

I deduce, in my expert medical opinion, that this box is most certainly empty...
She is sooooooo smart!
Today was such a blast. Brunch was great and the ensuing deck party a welcome treat. It's intention was of course to lure the God's of spring back to NYC so we can do the same thing but in bathing suits... This is best done by enticing them with cinqo de mayo type fare, of which we had an abundance... complete with black bean soup, amazingly prepared by the wonderful Sainttigerlily!!

1 comment:

SaintTigerlily said...

I have done extensive...exhaustive research on this. The only way to lure the gods of spring to dance on your face in the silky tendrils also known as sunlight is to imbibe immoderate amounts of Patron.

True story.