Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Friday, March 28, 2008

As promised... The Smooth Spot and college basket ball...

After singing my head off I headed out to cheer for...... ugh... Who was it again.... Oh.. West Virginia basket ball. I actually missed the whole game because of my rehearsal..... I know tragic, considering I'm such a sports nut. But I managed to make it to the after party.... and the after after party...teehee.

Me and the infamous Jesse James..

My buddies... and a whole room full of people I need to be introduced to again.... GOD I suck with names....

So.... these videos were taken on my new camera which apparently only takes 15 seconds of video at a time.... So I realize they are kinda lame. Fortunately, Michael at The Smooth Spot, was kind enough to take a full video with his camera. Once he sends them to me I will refurbish this post. I can't say enough about Michael and his studio. If you are thinking of recording seriously look him up. Or click on the link above. He is the nicest man and his set up is amazing.... I had so much fun.... Sigh...

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