Fast Alice Glass

Fast Alice Glass

Friday, April 18, 2008

Episode III of Fast Alice and Lady C. AT LAST!!

Well folks it's finially here long awaited Episode III of the Fast Alice and Lady C. show..... and btw Episode IV is in the can and just around the corner..... so keep an eye out....

Love and Kisses....

Fast Alice Glass


Unknown said...

First of all I would like to thank you for alarming the public to the ever-rising, and extremely debilitating disorder, T.M.A. I too suffer from T.M.A. and have had reservations about coming out in public with it for some time now. But now that I know, "I'm not the only one!" I feel I now have the strength to pick up the phone and call. Because really, after a man shags me he shouldn't be texting me to tell me he had, "a gr8 time :) !!!" (smiley face and all) I mean what does that mean??? Why couldn't he just call me? And why hasn't he called me? Am I bad in bed? Does that count as a one-night stand? Maybe I shouldn't give bj's on the first date. Was I a sloppy drunk?.... oh man, my T.M.A. is acting up.

Chantelle said...

Look if you don't want it just give it to me. I broke mine. Overuse they tell me ;)

I have to say though, I don't hate porn either.

I guess it's to be expected with our genetics :)